Deprecated Prizm Content Connect
Prizm Mobile Viewer


The Prizm Mobile Viewer allows you to use a version of the viewer that has been specifically created for smaller devices such as phones. Currently, the Prizm Mobile Viewer offers viewing and zoom features on a mobile device. The viewer is a jQuery Plugin that is comprised of JavaScript, HTML and CSS. 

The HTML5 Viewer is ideally suited for both desktop and mobile applications.

Example of the Prizm Mobile Viewer:

Prizm Mobile Viewer

Prizm Mobile Viewer


The Prizm Mobile Viewer includes the following touch and gesture events:


Move one finger across the screen without losing contact. This will scroll the document.

Swipe or Flick

Quickly brush one finger across the screen. Flicking is similar to dragging but quicker. This will scroll the document to the next/previous page.


Touch the screen with two fingers and bring them closer together. Pinch to zoom-in on the document.


Touch the screen with two fingers and move them apart. Spread to zoom-out on the document.

How to Set Up the Prizm Mobile Viewer

Example Title
Copy Code
<script type="text/javascript">
    var viewingSessionId = '<%=HttpUtility.JavaScriptStringEncode(viewingSessionId)%>';
    $(document).ready(function () {
        var pluginOptions1 = {
            documentID: viewingSessionId,
            annotationID: 'Annotation Filename',
            imageHandlerUrl: "../pcc.ashx"

Refer to the Prizm Mobile Viewer Parameters topic for information on how to configure the parameters.

See Also



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